Keep Planting!
Every year presents its challenges to us and every year we keep returning to the planting of seeds. This past 2022 year was no exception.
May 21st a tornado touched down in our town. It devastated the core of our town and the location of our Sunday Uxbridge Farmers Market Keep Planting – work with others to relocate in a soccer field (!), rely on the support of community and reach out to others.
December 2nd one of our farm buildings catches fire and a fierce south wind enrages the flames and in minutes three of our buildings are up in smoke. Summer equipment brought in from the fields for the winter disappeared in the flames as well as all our farmers market equipment.
Keep Planting – show up for market the next day; be grateful no lives were lost, no one was injured, livestock all safe; main buildings with winter storage all safe, fierce determination to hold the fire back until fire trucks arrived saves our washing station, wait on insurance to come through, pull out the seed catalogues and begin again! Fire up the greenhouses, till the soil and be ready, for spring rain and warm sun
Through all this your support as CSA customers enables us to plant seeds – be it seeds from the catalogue or seeds of hope. Your early sign up will help get us through the winter months and bring you delicious, organic food all summer. It will help us get our crew in for those fast and furious months of spring planting. It will help us replace our beautiful market blankets, tents and tables to be ready to welcome you to the market come May!
We are all called to keep planting in the face of adversity and trial. Push back those weeds of helplessness and despair, put our hands to the plough and keep planting! It is what we are good at here at Willo’Wind and we look forward to working with you to keep small, local, sustainable farming alive and well.
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